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Michelle DiMauro

Updated: May 10, 2022

Instead of reviewing what happened at Lucky Break Acres this year, I would rather talk about what I'm hoping to see happen next year on our farm. I'm ready to be finished with this year - though we didn't have as rough of a year as some people, we've got things cooking that have me excited to move forward.

Flower Farm

This one is a biggie. After many months of thought about what we can and want to do with our farm, and after a fantastic first year in the garden, I've decided to try my hand at flower farming. I'm starting small, but if all goes well I will have 2100 beautiful bulbs bloom sometime in the Spring, and that's just the beginning. My goal is to sell cut flowers - at our farm, maybe at a farmer's market or two and to florists. I've also planted peony bushes and will be planting a lot of annuals once the ground will let me, starting in April when I can get the first cold blooms in the yard. More on this later.


Hopefully this is what we will see in our pasture in April

Patsy is pregnant but we are not sure about Loretta. We think she also may be pregnant because she hasn't shown any signs of heat in the few months that they've been back on our farm. We still have Barney the bull hanging out with them, he will probably go back home in January. Anthony isn't very comfortable around him and if Loretta is settled, then we don't really need him to hang out anymore. We will have the vet come out in a few weeks to check Loretta. Anthony wants to be surprised, but I am dying to know. Regardless, Barney will be going. Patsy should calve in April - we are hoping it's all good and if we could have everything we want, it will be a baby girl. More Bees

We have ordered more bees for next year and will start building our two new hives next month. Anthony has been working hard selling our honey and we now it is for sale in three locations. We are out of stock for this year, so we are hoping to double our honey output next year with 4 hives, instead of 2. Right now we are just concentrating on getting them through the winter. There's not much we can do but cross our fingers and hope they are staying warm inside their hive boxes.

Chickens - finally!!!

If you have been reading this blog for a bit, you know that we have been remodeling, discussing, debating and considering abandoning our chicken coop. Or at the very least, setting it on fire (you can catch up here, if you haven't) But we've finally come down to the final items that need to be accomplished in order to have our coop up and running. We've figured out how to get water down to the coop - as in having it in a hydrant and underground so it doesn't freeze, rather than carrying buckets through the winter all the way down there. Now that that's figured out, we can get the electrician back out here to finish his business. Once those things are accomplished, then we have about 5 other major things to do - finish painting the doors, put a top on the run, build the roosts and nesting boxes for the inside and design some cool decorative light fixtures for the inside. Oh and figure out how to put a green roof on top. More visitors

My sweet sister-in-law visiting during the fair

We have been so fortunate in that most of our family and friends have come to visit or have told us they are planning on coming soon. Both Anthony and I LOVE having visitors so we can share our place and try to convince everyone that Elkhorn, Wisconsin is paradise. And it's not a hard sell. So come on over, we always want you to come and stay. Really.

So strange to see some of my favorite people sitting on my doorstep

Have more fun

Gigi enjoying the summer

Of course we (I) have so many long lists of all of the things we need to do to the house and the farm. Lots of painting is always involved. Fencing, cleaning, planting, etc. But the most fun we have had is exploring our new state, hanging out on our front deck on summer nights, and spending time in the barn with the girls. I know this is the most important item on our list. To enjoy everything, in all its imperfection. Happy New Year! Thank you so much for reading and following along on our adventures. I hope you enjoy the next year, in all its imperfection.



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