Anthony and I wanted to reach out to all of you and say hello and happy Spring AND also give you a little update on what’s been going on around here.

If you’ve been following along on social media, you may know this already, but Anthony and I had a small fire in our basement in November and have been living in Lake Geneva in a rental house for the past 6 months. We are scheduled to be back in the house in a few short weeks and we truly could not be happier about that.

It started as an incense cone set into some soil in our seed starting area in the basement, then turned into a fire that was handled by the Elkhorn Fire Department. We are OK, the house didn’t burn down and that’s all that counts. It has turned into an almost complete restoration of our home. New paint, new wallpaper, electrical, furnaces, etc. You name it and it has been cleaned or replaced or thrown away. I had no idea about the pervasiveness of smoke and soot.

We are so grateful for the restoration company and for our outstanding insurance. I don’t want to think about what would have happened to us and all of our things had we not been so completely protected. Have you checked your policy lately? What’s actually covered? What about your smoke detectors? Maybe it’s time to give em a look.

Anthony and I have been driving back and forth to the farm twice a day most days for the past 6 months for morning and evening chores. It’s been especially challenging not being able to quickly check on the animals just by peeking out the window or running down to the barn. We got lucky with a really mild winter; it was a little hairy going out in the few storms that we did have, and there were a few days of intense shoveling, but everyone survived. It can always be worse, can’t it?

Yes it can and we learned that later. Anthony got a call from one of our neighbors 2 weeks ago saying that it looked like one of our cows had prolapsed. It was Loretta and she wasn’t due to calve for a few more months. Anthony rushed out to the farm, the on-call vet responded and fixed her up, but she sadly miscarried her calf a few days later. She has since battled infection, but as of right now she looks like she is on the road to recovery. She is officially retired and will be enjoying the rest of her life with us on the farm.

June’s taking the year off because she calved so late last year, but if all goes as planned, we should have 2 more calves running around at the end of June. Dolly and EmmyLou will be the only new Mom’s this year.

Even more exciting is the official official (yes, that’s doubly official) grand opening of our event space. We are working on the final touches as I type, with new walkways and lighting and doors. We should be ready to go within the next few weeks after the final inspection.

Keep an eye out for more updates from us - on flowers and beef and the future events we are planning for the summer. We CANNOT wait to host you.

As always, thanks for keeping up with us. We love you guys and wouldn’t be here without your love and support for our little slice of paradise.
