Now that we have started working on remodeling some of the areas inside the house - the kitchen, kitchen nook and master bedroom, we are also ready to work on some of the outbuildings and the one that needs it the most is our chicken coop.

Chickens will be the first animals that we get on our farm. It's something we've talked about for a couple of years and realizing that it is going to happen in just a few short months is super exciting. We haven't decided on how many, but our coop is a pretty good size and we're not looking to have a full egg production facility, so we're thinking around 10-15 hens. We've been researching different breeds, where to get our chickens, what to feed them and about a million other things about these little ladies, but that will be an entirely different post. Let's get back to the building. We will need to demo and replace all of the existing walls on the inside, clean up the surrounding outside area, and remove and replace the exterior to include a new roof. The existing framing is fine, the windows are great and there is a concrete floor inside, so it's not that crazy of a project. Take a look at the inside:

As you can see, it's a bit creepy right now and there have been some wild critters living in it. The previous owners told us that they were going to have it torn down, but thought that the new owners might be interested in salvaging it and we are so grateful for that. Although it's pretty rough right now, at least we have a structure with electrical and water and solid flooring. That's half the battle! Now, on to what we're thinking of doing. I've got a Pinterest page filled with coop inspiration, these are some of my favorites:
I would love to add a fish scale detail like this somewhere on the outside.

This guy has some great ideas on how to predator-proof his chicken run. From My Pet Chicken

How cute is this entrance?

image I love these fancy nesting boxes and perches, via Pioneer Settler

We had already planned on removing the swing set from the back of the house and Anthony thought it would be great for the chickens to play on, an idea that I think is fabulous!

chicken swingset
I can't wait to get this project started because aside from cleaning it up and making it look better, it means that we will have our first real live farm animals and will finally and officially be Hobby Farmers!