That's a wrap on yet another week this winter with minimal snow. We were supposed to get a monster of a storm this week (yay, yay, yay), but now I've heard that it's probably only going to be 2"-4" and might be a rain and snow mix. I know a lot of Wisconsin peeps are pretty happy about this, for a newbie like me it's a bit disappointing.
The Amaryllis I planted in November for Christmas finally bloomed
Our Valentine's Day decor in its entirety
We had some more wallcovering installed. I told one of my neighbors that I would probably try to wallpaper Gigi if she held still long enough. As you walk up the stairs, you can see it. As for the carpet, I think we are finally ready for something new that works with our current color scheme. And maybe some type of moulding detail on top of the black wallcovering to break it up a bit.
I love this little old light, but it's time for something different in here
This is now what it looks like while lying in bed
New wallcovering on the ceiling in the mud room. I love it every single time I walk into this room
skiing with his cousin at Alpine Village. The last time he was there was in 1978
Reading and more reading about bees
I'm not a huge fan of geese, but I like the way they look from afar
We picked up all of our beekeeping supplies
This face is Gigi trying to simultaneously appear as adorable and pathetic as she can in order to get some sort of food
The clouds were stunning
Loretta and I have become BFF's and she has started to follow me wherever I go, though she follows from a short distance